About Icelandic securities (Íslensk Verðbréf)

Independent asset management and comprehensive financial service provider

Icelandic securities (Íslensk verðbréf) is an independent icelandic asset management and brokerage company established in 1987. The company is one of iceland‘s most mature financial companies, providing high quality financial services to a diverse client base since 1987. Íslensk verðbréf specialise in asset management, providing services to institutional, professional and other investors. Services include managing equities and bond, both domestic and foreign via mutual funds, alternative funds or portfolios. The company also manages alternative and specialized credit and private equity funds.

Extensive services

Independantly managed UCITS, NON-UCITS and alternative investment funds

Comperhensive asset and wealth management

Alternative investment management

Capital Markets service provider in listed and unlisted securities

Corporate finance service provider